Bakwan Sayuran a la Abang-abang Gorengan
Hari ini pagi-pagi udah kepengen makan bakwan sayur gorengan kayak yang dijual sama abang-abang tukang gorengan di Jakarta.
Bikin sendiri deh, lumayan enak juga... My husband like it, cuma dia bilang kebanyakan lada..hehehe...
Cabbage (Kol), chopped finely. I use 1/2 from 1/4 cabbage.
Bean sprout (Toge), a handful
Carrot (Worter), 1/2, shredded finely
2 Spring onion (daun bawang), chopped finely
3 Eggs (Telur)
2 tsp Salt (Garam)
2 Maggie Block Chicken
White Pepper, as desired
2 tbsp Rice Fluor (Tepung Beras)
2 tbsp Plain Wheat Fluor (Atau Tepung Terigu)
Oil as needed
Mix all vegetables.
Add eggs and mix well.
Add salt, pepper and maggie, and mix well.
Add fluor, and mix well.
Heat oil in high heat.
Take 1 spoon and fry it until it's finished.
Once all done, ready to serve with Maggie Sweet Chilli, and/or Heinz Big Red Tomato Sauce
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