Thursday, October 16, 2014

Special Request from Someone Very Special to me: Maori Rewena Bread

Special Request from Someone Very Special to me

My Other Best Half requested this bread to me.
It sounds foreign but beautiful at the same time because of the name (silly me).
Then I started to google.
I read few websites and blogs regarding Rewena recipe
and how to make it, I was not sure if I could do it.
It is different that the kind of bread I have been making.
Remember I am an amateur bread maker (smile)

I see some recipes using just yeast,
but most of them using potato as the starter, or some called it "bug".

After reading some websites and blogs, 
I finally decided to go with Rewena recipe on My Discovery of Bread Blog.
Because others only stated medium sized potatoes,
I was not sure how many potatoes I have to use.
This particular Blog tell you the exact weight of the potatoes to use as a starter.
The recipe can be found on the above link.

Other full detailed about the process of making Rewena Bread
and here for Part 2: The Conclusion.

The recipe I used was from My Discovery of Bread Blog linked above.

For the Starter:

100 gram of potato, peeled, diced small.
I used 250 ml of water.

 Boil until potato soften.
Then leave to lukewarm and mashed.

 Transfer it to a bowl,
add lukewarm water to reach 250 grams.
(The bowl weight is 250 gram.)

 Then I pour it back into the pan,
add 165 gram of bread flour,
and 1 tsp of liquid honey - I used Manuka Honey.

 I only gathered them together with a bread knife.
It is very soft.

 Cover with cling / plastic / saran wrap.
The leave it at warm place.

 This is what it looked like at Day 1.

 And this is at Day 2.
I didn't want to wait until Day 3,
worry that it will passed it strongest point.
So I used it this morning.
You see it is quite watery.
The smell?? mmm... not smelly...honestly (smile)

 This is what the starter looked like when I scoop it with spatula.
It is stretchy and a bit slippery.
I was not sure if this is correct,
still I continue to baking.

The Dough:

Mix 400 gram of bread flour
1 tsp of salt
20 gr liquid honey
(I used Manuka Honey, melted it first in the oven)
1/4 tsp instant dry yeast
140 ml of water (I used 10 ml less water)
330 gram of potato starter / Rewena

 After taking 330 of Rewena, this is what left.

 I used stand mixer with mixing hook on.
Mix Rewena and water, whisked until combined.
Add the rest of the Ingredients.

 Mix to combined, then changed the hook.

 I changed the hook to dough hook.

 Mix for 10 minutes,
I did it only on number 1.
The original recipe said mix it on number 1/2
then half way on number 3, I guess it is depending
on your mixer.

 Half way kneading, I check the dough.
Stretchy dough.

 Mix again.

 Until the dough is clears the sides,
smooth and elastic.

 I spray the mixing bowl lightly with
extra virgin olive oil,
then leave the dough in it for 1st proofing
until doubled in size.

Then folding it 4x onto itself.
Leave it to rest for 30 minutes.

 This is what it looked like after 30 minutes.
Soft, smooth and elastic for sure.

 I moved it to lined loaf pan.

 After 2 hour proofing.
I switch on the oven, preheating it for 30 minutes
before I use it.

 Another 30 minutes proofing while preheating the oven.
Top view.

  Another 30 minutes proofing while preheating the oven.
Side view.

The recipe said 220 C, which what I did.
10 minutes baking it with bain marie method.
Then continue 20 minutes without.

 Freshly baked - top view.

 Freshly baked - side view.

 Waiting for it to cool and
at the same time waiting for my Special Person to come home too.

Hope it tasted great (smile).

 This is what the inside look like.
It tasted so good.
Soft texture with a little bit of chewiness.
My Husband said it looks and tasted exactly like
his Late Auntie used to make.

I am happy I can make this,
from now on my family
especially my children
can enjoy this traditional Maori Bread.
My Husband said traditionally this bread is
round in shape, so I will make a round Rewena Bread next time.

It tasted so good just with butter alone.
I made tuna salad and egg salad.
I put half each on mine.


Thanks for reading ^_^

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