Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dendeng Daging Garing dan Lado Ijo (Sambal Ijo Padang) / Indonesian Crispy Beef Jerky and Padangnese Green Chili

Dendeng Daging Garing / Indonesian Crispy Beef Jerky
Lado Ijo (Sambal Ijo Padang) / Padangnese Green Chili

Masakan Indonesia
Indonesian Food

Meskipun hamil besar, tapi tetep aja ngidam alias kepengen makanan tertentu.

Dendeng Daging Garing ini dulu suka aku beli di restoran Padang,
apalagi pas masih jamannya ngantor dulu,
bisa tiap hari makan nasi Padang.

Di sini kalo mau makan nasi Padang mesti ke Sydney dulu :(

Mending bikin sendiri aja, lebih cepet, gak pake lama karena nyetir ke Sydney dari sini sekitar 2.5 jam.  Nah dalam waktu 2.5 jam aku udah bisa makan dendeng and sambel ijonya LOL...

Selamat mencoba resepnya dan semoga cocok di lidah (^_^)

One of my old time favorite, especially when I was still working in the office before I got married.  Padang (capital city of West Sumatra Island, Indonesia) food is one of my favorite.  I can eat it everyday!  Crazy? Yes, I am LOL....

I am heavily pregnant and craved for this.  Have not been eating this meal for quite sometime now.  Actually I can just drive 2.5 hours to Sydney to Padang Restaurant to eat it but why go to Sydney while in 2.5 hours I can eat this meal at home! LOL...

Here are the recipe, I hope you will try and like it (^_^)

Resep Dendeng Daging Garing / Indonesian Crispy Beef Jerky Recipe

Bahan-bahan / Ingredients:

385 gram daging yang sudah diiris tipis.
385 grams blade steak, already sliced.

Aku beli di supermarket yang sudah diiris, kebetulan satu paket yang aku beli beratnya 385 grams.
Dagingnya: Blade Steak.
Bisa pake Rump Steak juga, baik diiris sendiri atau yang sudah diiris tipis siap pake.
Aku beli yang udah diiris tipis karena gak pinter ngiris daging setipis mungkin >^_^<

5 bawang putih, kupas, parut halus.
5 cloves of garlic, peel off the skin, finely grated.

2 cm jahe, kupas, parut halus.
2 cm of ginger, peel off the skin, finely grated.

1 sdm garam.
1 tbsp of salt.

1 sdt tamarind puree - jangan sampai terasa asam dagingnya, asal ada aja.
1 tsp tamarind puree, don't put too much, you don't want soured meat.

Air untuk merebus daging.
Water to boil the meat.

Minyak untuk menggoreng.
Oil to fry the meat.

Cara Memasak / Cooking Method:

Semua bahan dijadikan satu di dalam kuali, cicipi kadar garamnya jangan sampai terlalu asin.
Air jangan terlalu banyak, cukup untuk menutupi dagingnya saja. 
Put all ingredients, except meat and oil in a wok. Taste to see if it has enough salt in it.  Not too salty though. Not too much water too, just enough to cover the meat.

Daging dimasukkan ke dalam air, banyaknya air seperti di foto di atas, jangan terlalu banyak.
Rebus di api sedang sampai daging matang.  Gak lama lho ngerebusnya.
Place the meat in it. Not too much water and it should look like on the above photo.
Use medium heat, boil the meat until they are cooked through.  It won't take long.

Kalau sudah matang, angkat dan tiriskan.
Once cooked, take out the meat and drained.

Siapkan minyak di panci penggorengan. Panaskan di api besar.
Prepare oil in a wok, using high heat.

Goreng daging di api besar setiap sisinya sebentar saja, kemudian kecilkan apinya dari besar ke sedang, terus goreng dagingnya sampai kering dan garing. 
Fry meat in a high heat, cooked briefly each side then lower the heat to medium, keep frying the meat until dried and crispy.

Kalau sudah, keringkan di atas tissue dapur dan pindahkan ke piring saji.
Once done, drained on paper towel and moved to serving plate.

Resep Lado Ijo (Sambal Ijo Padang) / Padangnese Green Chili Recipe

Bahan-bahan / Ingredients:
20 cabe ijo ukuran besar / 20 big green chili.
10 bawang merah / 10 eschallots.
3 sdm gula kasar / 3 tbsp of raw sugar.
2 sdm garam halus / 2 tbsp of table salt.
Goreng dengan minyak bekas menggoreng daging / Reserved the oil from frying the meat to fry this chili.

Cara Memasak / Cooking Method:

Tumbuk kasar atau blender kasar cabe ijo dan bawang merah.
Pound roughly or blend roughly big green chili and eschallots in mortar and pestle or food processor.

Goreng cabe ijo dan bawang merah yang sudah ditumbuk atau blender kasar menggunakan minyak bekas menggoreng daging di api sedang. Kalau sudah layu dan harum, masukan garam dan gula.  Aduk rata dan cicipi sesuai selera.  Matikan api. Pindahkan ke mangkuk saji.
Use the oil ex frying the meat to fry the above in medium high heat, once wilted and fragrant, add sugar and salt. Taste to adjust to your liking.  Switch off the heat. Moved to serving bowl.

Lado Ijo siap saji / Padangnese green chili is ready to serve.

Sajikan dengan nasi hangat.  Dijamin sepiring enggak bakalan cukup LOL...
Served with warm steamed rice and I assure you 1 plate won't be enough to enjoy this dish LOL...

Thanks for looking *Heart*

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Pempek atau Empek Empek Kapal Selam, Lenjer dan Adaan

Kepengen makan empek-empek/pempek kapal selam.
Dulu pernah bikin tapi jadinya gagal karena salah tepung.
Kalau di sini harusnya pake Tapioca Starch,
itu yang cocok buat aku, bukan Tapioca Flour atau Arrowroot.

Pempek kapal selam ukuran jumbo :D
pempek adaan yang bulet, dan
pempek lenjer yang udah di potong-potong.
Ini semua belum di "dandani" ;)

Nah, ini yang udah di "dandani"
pake kuah cuko, irisan timun segar dan cabe rawit ijo gerus...
aduh maknyusnyaaa...

Bikin ini minggu lalu, sekarang liat fotonya lagi jadi pengen lagi **maruk!!

Nah ini sisanya... asik lho :)

Ini resep ku yang mau ku share:


Adonan campuran untuk di sarung tangan supaya gak lengket:
1-2 sdm tapioca starch dicampur dengan 1-2 sdm plain four.
Perbandingannya 1:1.
Plus semangkuk kecil minyak sayur untuk olesan sarung tangan.

Bahan untuk Pempek:
1 kg fish fillets
50 ml air super dingin
1 putih telur dari 1 telur saja gak pake kuning ya.
2 sdm garam
2 sdm bubuk bawang putih
600 gram tapioca starch
3 sdm plain flour

Campur semua bahan dalam food processor,
mixed sampe halus dan tercampur rata.
Tuang adonan ke wadah besar.

Sementara itu mulai rebus air yang banyak di panci besar.  Ini untuk rebus pempeknya.

Adonan saya uleni sebentar saja, masih agak lengket. 
Kalau mau bisa ditambah lagi tapioca starch nya, tapi saya enggak.
Langsung saya bentuk bulat-bulat, buat lubang di tengahnya sampai agak besar,
masukan telur mentah.  Kalau putih telurnya banyak (untuk ukuran telur yang besar) bisa dikurangi putih telurnya.  Atau untuk menghindari kegagalan, bisa pake telur yang sudah direbus.  Terserah mana yang paling okeh aja buat kamu.

Tutup adonan dengan cara ditekan-tekan,
sampe di sini air yang direbus sudah mendidih, jadi langsung celup ke air mendidih.
Masak sampai kira-kira telur sudah matang.
Untuk yang ukuran jumbo seperti yang aku bikin ini, gak cukup merebus pempek nya hanya sampai pempek mengapung saja, itu telurnya belum mateng, jadi rebusnya agak lama.  Intinya: dikira-kira saja tergantung besarnya pempek kapal selam yang kamu bikin - terutama kalau pake telur mentah.

Untuk yang Pempek Lenjer:
lebih gampang tinggal di buat silinder panjang terus langsung direbus.
Begitu Pempek Lenjer sudah mengapung, tinggal diangkat dan tiriskan.

Kalau mau buat Pempek Bulat (tapi bukan Adaan):
juga gampang: tinggal dibentuk bulat-bulat terus langsung direbus.
Begitu Pempek Bulat nya sudah mengapung, tinggal diangkat dan tiriskan.

Untuk yang Pempek Adaan:
Adonan yang sudah jadi seperti di atas
tinggal di tambah dengan irisan daun bawang tipis-tipis,
terus dicampur lagi sampai rata.
Bentuk bulat-bulat terus bisa langsung di goreng.
Atau kalau mau direbus dulu juga bisa, jadi direbus dulu terus baru digoreng.

Bahan Kuah Cuko:
+/- 250 gr gula jawa
2 sdt sari asem jawa (di sini tamarind puree)
500 ml air
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdm cuka putih (white vinegar)

Campur semua bahan di panci,
rebus sampe mendidih,
cicipi kalau-kalau ada yang kurang sesuai selera kamu.

10 cabe rawit - ulek kasar (atau halus terserah kamu aja).
2 sdm ebi kering, langsung di blender sampai halus.
Timun, cuci bersih, belah 4, iris sesuai selera besarnya.

Udah selesai deh... enaknya kalau ada tambahan
Krupuk Ikan yang Tebal ... terus dicocol ke kuah cukonya...
wiiihhh asiiiikkknyaaaa....

PS. Takaran yang saya pakai saya sesuaikan dengan ukuran banyaknya ikan,
tiap tukang masak pasti punya takaran masing-masing,
jadi silakan di "utak-atik" sesuai selera :)

Ma kasih dah mampir ya :)
Mudah-mudahan cocok resepnya (^_^)

Craving for Indonesian Food

 Dadar Telor daging sapi cincang.
Minced Beef Omelette.

 Bika Ambon
Pertama kalinya aku bikin bika ambon
jadinya lengket di baking pan,
lain kali baking pan mesti aku lapisin sama baking paper.
Setidaknya bentuknya sudah sama dan rasanya uenak!!
Next time I will lined my baking tin with baking paper,
this is the first time I baked this cake,
well... at least it looks the same and tasted delicious!!

 Martabak Coklat Coklat, dan
Martabak Coklat Keju
Indonesian (Dutch influence I believe) thick pancake:
Chocolate and Chocolate Cheese.

 Rempeyek udang.
Indonesian thin and crispy shrimp fritters.

 Kari daun kale.
Green Kale leaves curry.

 Sayur bening kangkung.
Kangkung/Asian watercress in clear soup.

 Martabak asin, acar segar dan pangsit ayam goreng.
The square ones were Martabak (Arabian influence, I believe) asin, which is spiced minced beef in spring roll skins, then deep fried.  Served with Indonesian fresh pickles.
The others were fried chicken wontons.

 Kepiting Soka Goreng Tepung Saus Lada Hitam.
Crispy Fried Soft Shell Crab in Black Pepper sauce.

 Lumpia isi bihun, ayam, telur dan saus kacang.
Chicken vermicelli and egg spring rolls, and peanut sauce.

 Bakwan Malang.

 Tahu bakso ayam.

 Bakso ayam goreng.

 Bakso ayam rebus.

 Bakwan sayur kol toge dan rawit kecap manis.
Cabbage and bean sprouts fritters with bird-eye chilis sweet soy sauce.

 Bakwan sayur kol wortel toge dan rawit ijo.
Cabbage, bean sprouts and carrots fritters and green bird-eye chilis.

This one is one of the traditional Indonesian snacks made of sago flour, palm sugar and water, then rolled in moist lightly salted grated coconuts.

Mie Telur ayam jamur, pangsit ayam goreng.
Chicken Mushroom egg noodles and fried chicken wontons.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mie Kepiting / Crab Meat Noodle

Crab Meat Noodle /  Mie Kepiting

Me and my family used to go to this area in Jakarta at Jalan Pangeran Jayakarta,
they sell Pontianak 'homefood'.
Pontianak is the capital city of West Kalimantan in Kalimantan Island
(some still called Kalimantan Island as Borneo).

This is my first attempt to try replicate the recipe,
not the same of course, because instead of just using soy sauce,
I added oyster sauce into it.
No regret, still tasted good! :)

Here is my recipe... with photos ... enjoy :)

This is the noodle I bought last week.
I never tried this noodle before, I guess it tasted more like rice noodle.
But I found it quite starchy after boiling them.

I used this crab meat for this dish.
It would look better with a real crab claws
but I can't be bothered preparing the crab from scratch :D

 This is the inside.  Just realized it is from Indonesia!

So I heat oil in a wok,
then fry these baby prawns with shell intact
until they are crispy, the sprinkle a pinch of salt,
fry for few minutes, set aside and drained.
I could eat this just like this, so crispy,,, yum!! 

Use the excess oil from frying the baby prawns,
put 1 clove of finely chopped garlic
and crab meat at the same time,
sautee briefly, add a pinch of salt and ground white pepper,
Set aside.

 In a serving bowl,
put 1/2 tsp oyster sauce,
1 - 2 tbsp of soy sauce,
1 tsp of vegetable oil,
1 tsp or more ready-to-use garlic chips,
boiled choy sum and bean sprouts separately,
drained then into a serving bowl.

 Add chopped red bird-eye chilis (optional),
and finely chopped spring onions.

 Add crab meat, crispy fried baby prawns,
and fish ball & fish cakes soup (I made them a day before).

 After mixing... being me, I added SAMBAL ABC EXTRA SPICY....YUUMMM!!

.... thanks for looking ...  (^_^)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rempeyek Udang / Indonesian Thin and Crisp Shrimp Fritters

Rempeyek Udang
Rempeyek is the Indonesian Thin and Crispy fritters.
You can use peanuts, shrimps/baby shrimps/prawns, or dried baby shrimps.

Here is my way of making the Rempeyek.
My version is on the lighter side, you may want to add more spices powder into it if you like.

300 grams of cooked baby shrimps
1 cup of rice flour.
1/4 cup of flour.
1/2 tsp of turmeric powder
Salt and ground white pepper to taste.
1/2 tsp of garlic powder.
1/2 tsp of coriander powder.
Cold water, enough to mix the mixture into a thick batter.
5 kaffir lime leaves, chopped super fine.
chopped chili / chili powder - if you like - i didn't use this.

Why cold water?
Besides rice flour, cold water also helps to make the batter crispy when fried.  Just like making tempura batter, where the batter stay cold because of ice blocks in it.

Why baby shrimps?
I prefer baby shrimps, because it is just easier to eat compare to prawns which are bigger in size and the shells are hard.  Can't eat the shells and I still have to peel them, for me it's not fun eating them.

Why cooked baby shrimps?
Because it is already cooked, it crips to perfections :D when fried.
Don't believe me? Try it! :D

Mix all ingredients together, except the shrimps.
Taste the batter first if you'd like to add more spices powder/salt.
Add shrimps, mix well.
I made the batter a bit thick, not runny.

 You need enough oil to fry them.
I wiggle the wok just so the oil can "spread" to the sides of the wok.
I took 1 tablespoon of the ingredients and put it on each side of the wok like on the above photo.

 Don't forget to laddle the oil from the middle to each of the frying mixture.
Be careful, it's HOT oil!
Flip them to fry on the other side, fry until crispy.

Ooopppsss my last batch was burnt!  No problem, still yummy for me :D
Here they are and I made "pimped" Maggie Sweet Chili sauce to accompany them.

"Pimped" Maggie Sweet Chili sauce
2 tbsp of Maggie sweet chili sauce
2 red bird-eye chili, chopped finely
Fish sauce and lemon/lime juice to taste.
Mix all ingredients together.
Taste before serving.


My Big and Healthy Lunch!

In general I love all vegetables.

One of the vegetables that is not available locally is 
Some people call it Asian Watercress,
or Morning Glory, or Vietnamese Spinach.
Or spelled it in a different way Kangkoong.

If I wish to have these Kangkungs more often means I have to drive up to AKK (DANSY) PTY LTD at Hunter Street, Newcastle which is about 1 hour away.
Or I can get it every Saturday (I think about 11am) from SUN SUPERMARKET at Green Hills, Maitland which is about 30 minutes away.

My husband LOVED these Kangkungs!

And Today I had late lunch, it was BIG and HEALTHY Lunch
with lots of Kangkung :D

Here are the recipes:

1 block of Tempe / Indonesian Soy Bean Cake.
Cut to pieces, then pan fried, drained on paper towel.

Chopped kangkung (I used almost from 1 whole bunch).
Wash thoroughly (I washed it at least 3 times)
Prepare enough water for steaming in the sauce pan.
Once the water is boiling, add kangkung in the steamer.
Steamed until kangkung is wilted, but not overcooked.
Drained any excess water and placed on a serving plate.

This is soooo Crispy, I could ate the heads too, JUST CRISP TO PERFECTION! :)
+/- 100 gram baby prawns with shell and head intacts.
1 small clove of garlic, chopped finely.
1 tbsp of oil.
salt to taste.
Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan,
add baby prawns,
let it fry for a minute then add finely chopped garlic,
fry until the garlic is fragrant and crispy too,
stir lightly, then sprinkle with sea salt a little bit just to taste.
Strained and put on serving plate.
Save the oil for Fresh Tomato Sambal.

3 large tomatoes / 3 tomat besar
1/2 red paprika (bell pepper) / paprika merah
1 large red chili / 1 cabe merah besar
5 red bird-eye chilis / cabe rawit
1 small clove of garlic, finely chopped / 1 siung bawang putih kecil, cincang halus
5 tsp of baby prawns oil
1/4 tsp of roasted shrimp paste / 1/4 sdt terasi bakar
2 tbsp lemon juice / 2 sdm air perasan jeruk lemon
1 tsp flat of salt / 1 sdt rata garam
1/2 tsp of caster sugar / 1/2 sdt gula halus.
Place tomatoes, paprika, chilis, garlic in a food processor,
blend roughly, moved into a serving bowl.
Fry shrimp paste then crushed it with mortar and pestel, moved it into the same serving bowl.
Mix all ingredients together.
Add 1 tsp flat of salt.
Add 1/2 tsp of caster sugar.
Add lemon juice, mix all well.
Taste before serving.
Taruh tomat, paprika dan cabe di blender, blender kasar saja, kemudian pindahkan ke mangkuk saji. Terasi digoreng, haluskan dengan tumbukan, pindahkan ke mangkuk saji yang sama.  Campur adonan sampai rata.
Tambahkan garam, gula dan air perasan jeruk lemon.  Campur lagi, cicipi sebelum dihidangkan.

... thanks for looking :)  ....

Monday, February 4, 2013

Udang, Petai dan Tahu masak Sambal Balado

I have been craving for SAMBAL BALADO for some time,
now that I am pregnant I am craving even more!

I got the cooking technique from my old friend, Rosa Damborg.
And recipe from FOOD SAFARI, a culinary program of SBSONE TV.

My version is the combination of two of them:

- I used about 634 grams of Australian Banana King Prawns,
- 10 pcs of small red asian eschallots,
- 2 large roma tomatoes,
- 1 large red paprika,
- 10 pcs of big red chilis,
- 10 pcs of whole bird-eye chilis.
- Rice bran oil.
- 3 tbsp of sugar.
- 2 tbsp of salt.
- juice from 1/2 lemon.
- 1 block of bean curd, cubed.
- 10 kaffir lime leaves, shredded.
- 1/2 can of petai, drained, sliced thinly.
(pete / petai = stinky beans / sator / parkia speciosa)
- Fresh cucumber, sliced.


Pan-fried cubed bean curd in a hot pan, then set aside.

Cut-off excess "legs" of prawns, washed, drained.
I use the whole prawns.

In the meantime use food processor to process:
chili, paprika, tomatoes and shallots.
Leave the bird-eye chilis in whole.

 Heat pan over high heat,
once hot, add generous amount of oil,
fry prawns until crispy.
Then set aside, leaving the prawns infused oil in the pan.
This is the cooking method I learnt from Rosa Damborg.

 Use the same oil to cooked the blended ingredients,
add prawns head into it for flavor.
Mix well and cooked until the chili cooked thoroughly.

 Add fried tofu and petai.

 Mix well.

Add the prawns and kaffir lime leaves.
Add salt and sugar.
The amount of salt and sugar is very important for this dish,
I found a recipe from FOOD SAFARI is the correct one,
and fool proof, tasted REALLY GOOD!!
Mix well and bring to boil.

Once all cooked through, switch off the stove.
Add juice from 1/2 lemon.
Mix well.

Ready to serve.

... thanks for looking :) ...


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