Sunday, January 31, 2010

Spaghetti Meat Balls ala Bubba Sparx

Spaghetti Meat Balls ala Bubba Sparx

our yummy dinner :)

Thank you, Bubba

for the recipe, just click below link:

Banana Chocolate Cake




Banana Chocolate Cake
Cara buatnya sama dengan banana cake
hanya ditambah melted milk chocolate aja

yummy,,, enak sama es krim vanilla :-)

Potato ala Cassandra Lighaam

Honey and Soy Chicken

Honey and Soy Chicken
I used chicken thighs fillet

Homemade Soto Ayam

Homemade Soto Ayam

I don't know what to call this,
I guess Indonesian Yellow Chicken Soup :-)

Fried chicken, meat only
2 Hard boiled eggs
4 Boiled potatoes
Bean Sprouts
Cabbage, finely chopped, blanched in hot water
Cherry tomatoes
1 knob of galangal, bruised
2 lemongrasses, bruised
salt, sugar, pepper
1.5 litre of chicken stock
vermicelli, soften in cold water then blanched 1 minute in hot water

Blended Ingredients:
3 shallots
5 garlics
1 knob of ginger
1 tsp of turmeric powder
3 pcs of candlenuts
water, as needed

fried shallots, celery, lime/lemon juice


Bring chicken stock to boil.
Add blended ingredients, galangal, lemongrass bring to boil.
Add 1 tbsp of salt, 1 tsp of sugar, a dash of pepper.
Mix well, bring to boil, taste to adjust the seasoning.

In a serving bowl put:
vermicelli, potatoes, chicken, tomatoes, cabbage, and bean sprout.
Pour chicken stock mixture on it. Put eggs on top.
Garnish with celery and shallots and lime juice.

Hoisin Chicken Strips

Here I used chicken breast fillet, skinned.
I think it would be more moist if I use chicken thighs fillet.
still delicious, though :-)

Curry Tom Yum Soup


I used tom yum paste for this and add
1 small tin/can of coconut milk
mixed it with seafood stock
yuummm... :D

Sachertorte ala Bubba Sparx


I definitely still need to learn how to "smooth sweep" the topping.
It was yummy, though :D
Thank you, Bubba

Cake recipe, please go to

200 gr of milk chocolate (I use cooking chocolate)
+/- 300 ml of double cream

Melt milk chocolate on double boiler.
Using mixer, on high, whip double cream until fluffy.
Pour melted chocolate on whipped cream.
Mix well and smear it on the cake.

Makan Malem dengan 3 menu dari Mr. Bubba

Thank you (again) Bubba,,, seperti resep-resep lainnya
yummy :D

Nasi Putih
Urap Sayur
Tempe Taoco
Bakwan Sayur
semuanya ala Bubba Sparx

resepnya bisa dilihat di:

Nasi Goreng Jawa ala Bubba Sparx

Thank you Bubba,,, harum banget bumbu halusnya & yummy :D

Resepnya bisa di-click di bawah ini:

Nasi Goreng Kemiri

yang ini untuk suamiku, dia seneng poached egg

Nasi Goreng Kemiri

Bikinnya gampang....

2 porsi nasi putih
2 butir telur, goreng sesuai selera
1 timur, iris miring
1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
1 sdm oyster sauce
1 sdm kecap manis
1 sdt kecap asin

Bumbu halus:
3 Bawang merah
2 Bawang putih
1 sdt terasi
1 sdt garam
2 butir kemiri
cabe giling
cabenya aku beli jadi & gak pedes sama sekali buat aku tapi suami kepedesan hahaha...)

Panasin wajan, tambah minyak sampai panas, masukin bumbu halus (tanpa ketumbar) tumis sampe harum.
Masukin potongan ayam tumis smp mulai berubah warna.
Masukin 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk, aduk rata smp ayam mateng.
Masukin nasi putih, aduk rata.
Masukin oyster sauce, aduk rata.
Masukin kecap manis & kecap asin.
Aduk rata, matikan apinya.
Siap saji dengan timur iris.
yang ini untuk aku, aku senengnya telor mata sapi
& kuning telornya mateng :D

Empal Ayam ala Caroline Veronica

Hello Caroline, thanks for sharing,,, it was moist, tasty and of course, yummy :D

For the recipe please click below link:

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Buat yang perlu make-up artist
untuk segala macam kebutuhan bisa hubungi:

Denny Jung

Hp. 0811 831 905 

Dijamin OK BANGET karena dia sudah terbiasa make up untuk para artis Indonesia.


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