Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sticky Chicken


Got this recipe from Recipes+ Magazine

serves: 6

3/4 tomato sauce (ketchup)
1/3 cup sweet chilli sauce
1/3 cup char sui sauce
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 kgs of chicken pieces
2 tsp sesame seeds, lightly toasted
1/4 cup coriander leaves, roughly torn
4 green onions, thinly sliced

1. Preheat oven to 200/180C fan forced. Combined sauces, garlic, ginger & sesame oil in a bowl; reserve 1/3 cup. Add chicken to marinade in bowl; mix well to combine, ensuring all pieces are coated. Cover with plastic food wrap; chill for 30 mins to marinate (longer if time permits).

2. Line a large roasting pan with baking paper. Pace chicken in a single layer in prepared pan. Bake, basting chicken with reserved marinade and turning occasionally
for 30-45 mins or until glazed and cooked. Remove from oven.

3. Combine sesame seeds, coriander leaves and union in a small bowl.
Sprinkle over chicken to serve.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tahu Isi Ayam Kalkun (Turkey)

Tahu Isi Ayam Kalkun Cincang & Sayuran /
Stuffed Tofu with Minced Turkey & Vegies

Bikinnya agak sedikit beda dengan tahu isi biasa.
Aku lebih suka yang ini, jadi inget tahu isi (jaman dulu) suka dijual di bioskop.

1 firm tofu
3 daun bawang, potong kecil2
250 gr minced turkey
2 bawang putih, cincang
1 genggam frozen vegies (jagung pipil, buncis, wortel)
garam & lada, secukupnya

1. Tumis minced turkey dengan bawang putih dan frozen vegies.
Setelah matang, masukkan lada dan garam sesuai selera.
Pisahkan, tunggu dingin seperti suhu ruangan.
2. Setelah dingin, campurkan ke tahu dan masukkan ke blender
dengan daun bawang. Blender sampai adonan rata.
3. Kukus selama 30 menit. Setelah itu dinginkan spt suhu ruangan.
Potong2 sesuai selera.
4. Siapkan adonan tepung, celup satu per satu ke tepung & goreng dalam minyak dengan api sedang sampai matang.
5. Siap dihidangkan dengan cabe rawit atau sambal botol.

Vietnamese Prawns in Coconut Milk by Luke Nguyen

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pisang Coklat a la PisCok Setiabudi

Kylie Kwong's Squid Chili

Kylie Kwong Squid Chili

2 pcs of squid / calamari
1 tbsp chili powder
4 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp sea salt
2 red chili, deseeded
1-2 pcs of green onion, use white part only, diagonally sliced
Oil for frying

Mix chili powder, flour and salt, no water added.
Mix squid/calamari in it. Cover well with flour mixture.
Shake off excess flour.
In a hot oil fry squid/calamari until cooked.  Set aside.
Fry the red chili, set aside.
Serve with lemon wedges, coriander leaves and slices of spring onion.

Lontong Sayur Komplit dengan Semur Tahu dan Telur

Kangen sama lontong sayur buatan Mama, tapi gak bisa bikin lontongnya.
Akhirnya aku dapet resep bikin lontong pake aluminium foil dari Cassandra Lighaam.
Lontongnya jadi and cantik pula ;-)
Lontong disiram sama Sayur Lodeh sama Semur Telur & Tahu a la Mama
lengkap ditaburin sama Bawang Goreng
sayang Kerupuk Udangnya lupa ditaro and lupa difoto :D

Overall,,, yummooooowwww....
Lumayan buat obat kangen tanah air...

Bubur Manado

Ayam Woku Goreng

I adopt the recipe from below:

Udang Asam Padeh

Prawns Satay / Sate Udang

Sate Udang / Prawns Satay

300 gr udang, kupas kulit
2-4 cm jahe, keprek
1-2 sereh, bagian putih saja & dikeprek
2-3 sdm kecap manis ABC
1-2 sdm minyak sayur

Bahan yang dihaluskan:
6 bawang putih
Cabe merah - banyaknya sesuai selera
1 sdt bubuk kunyit
2 sdt bubuk ketumbar, sangrai
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt bubuk lada putih
1 sdt gula

1. Tumis bumbu halus dengan jahe dan sereh sampai harum.
2. Masukkan udang sampai setengah matang.
3. Masukkan kecap manis, masak di api sedang sampai meresap.
Bila terlalu kering, tambahkan air sedikit saja.
4. Setelah matang, dinginkan.
5. Tusuk2 udang ke dalam tusuk sate.
6. Bakar di api sampai harum dan agak kering.

Nikmat dengan nasi putih hangat

Selamat Mencoba (^_^)

Potato Fritters a la Mum

Potato Fritters a la Mum / Perkedel Kentang a la Mama

Tahu Tempe Asem Manis a la Mama

Tofu and Tempeh in Tamarind Sauce a la Mum

Kung Po Chicken a la Bubba Sparx

Ikan Asin Pedas

Ikan Asin Pedas

Senengnya nemu ikan asin, meskipun buatan Malaysia tapi sama2 ikan asin 'kan? yang ini banyak dagingnya hampir seperti jambal roti, cuma ikan asin ini ada sedikit bagian yang bertulang.

Ikan asin, rendam di air paling tidak 1 jam, tiris, potong sesuai selera
3 bawang merah besar, iris
3 bawang putih besar, iris
2 cabe merah, iris
4 tomat cherry, belah 2
1/2 sdt garam

Goreng potongan ikan asin sampai kering dan sisihkan.
Panaskan minyak, masukkan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah.
Tumis sampai harum, masukkan tomat dan garam, aduk rata.
Masukkan ikan asin, aduk rata.

Nikmat dengan sayur asem dan ayam goreng kuning plus lalap dan sambal terasi...Yummm....

Empek-empek Kapal Selam a la Bubba Sparx

Just look up his recipe for this dish at

Chicken and Capsicum Curry a la James Reeson

Char Siew Pork Steam Buns ala Susanna Olivier

Char Siew Pork Steam Buns ala Susanna Olivier

After searching for sometime, I found my friend's recipe for Steam Buns Doughs is SO SIMPLE.  The technic to form the dough, I see it from one of Indian cooking's video, weird? yes but it is true :-)

Ingredients for Dough:
1.1/2 tsp active dry yeast
½ cup warm water
¼ cup superfine ( caster sugar )
1 cup plain flour
½ cup self-rising flour
3 tsp butter, melted

Ingredients for Filling :
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp Asian sesame oil
3 tsp cornstarch mix with 1 tbsp water
250 g Chinese bbq pork, finely chopped
6 scallions ( spring onion/ scallops ) finely chopped

Method for Dough :
In a small bowl, combine yeast with 2 tbsp warm water, 1 tsp sugar and 1 tsp plain flour. 
Mix until combined. Cover with a kitchen towel and let stand in a warm place until frothy, about 15 minutes.  Sift remaining plain flour and self rising flour into a large bowl. Add remaining sugar, yeast mixture, remaining warm water and melted butter. Using a wooden spoon, mix to form a soft dough. Turn out onto floured work surface and knead until smooth and elastic, 3 – 5 minutes. Place dough in a large oiled bowl, cover and let stand in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour.

Method for Filling :
Heat oil in a wok or frying pan over medium heat
and fry ginger and garlic until aromatic, about 1 minutes.
Add hoisin, oyster and soy sauce and sesame oil. 
Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add cornstarch and water mixture, 
bring to a boil and stir until sauce thickens, about 2 minutes. 
Remove from heat and stir pork and scallions. 
Transfer to a bowl and let cool completely.  

Punch down dough. 
Turn out onto a floured work surface 
and knead smooth, about 5 minutes. 
Devide ddough into 1 pieces. Roll or press out each piece to form 6 cm circle. 
Cover dough with a damp kitchen towel. Working with one round of dough at a time, 
spoon 2 teaspoons of filling into center. Gather edges together, twist to seal and cover with kitchen towel. Repeat with remaining dough.

Cut out 16 squares of baking paper and place bun, sealed side down, on paper. 
Half fill a medium wok with water and bring to a boil. 
Working in batches, arrange buns in steamer, cover 
and place steamer over boiling water. 
Steam for 15 minutes adding more boiling water to wok 
when necessary. Lift steamer off wok and carefully remove buns. 
Using scissors, snip top of each bun twice, to resemble a star. Serve warm.

Click video to see the process of making steam buns.
OR you can also click here to see technic of pleating buns.

Udang Saus Padang

Udang Saus Padang a la Shinta's Little Kitchen

Ma kasih Shinta!! Yummy lhoooo ;-)

Silakan lihat resepnya dilink di bawah ini:

Ayam Goreng Mentega

Galantin a la Bubba Sparx

Thank you, Bubba.

Just look up this recipe at

Rice and Char Siew (Barbeque) Pork

Asian Style Seafood Balls

Kue Bola or Sweet Potato Ball with Palm Sugar Filling

Fried Tofu in Nuoc Mam (Vietnamese) Sauce

Semur Ayam Betawi

Semur Ayam Betawi

Sautee Pickled Mustard, Tofu and Tomatoes

Stir Fry Beef a la Susanna Olivier


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