Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fraud via cellphone claiming from GoogleAds

 This morning, my cellphone rang, I looked at the number it was "Private Number" again.  I remember my experiences before, but I still pick it up, who knows it's a customer?

I was right, when I pick it up I said, "Good Morning"
on the other side was a man with Indian accent, "Good Morning, My name is Ajay from Google Ads... bla bla bla.."

I did not wait until he finished talking, I just said "Byeeee...." then hang-up.

I experienced by myself and also saw lots of cases on TV where people with Indian accent -men or women- make a fraud call.  Either from Google Ads (like me), claiming they are calling on behalf of our Government and asking for money to process their Super, etc.

So if you have not heard of this cases, please beware.


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